I graduated college, I have a good job, I can take care of myself,
But I still feel lost and confused.
I’m an adult on paper,
But sometimes I still feel like a naive child that doesn’t know what’s going on or what to do.
I’ve experienced dangerous loneliness, crippling depression, frantic anxiety, and my childhood traumas peak during this time.
There are times when I feel like no one truly knows me because I’m still figuring out myself.
Something feels unfulfilled, and missing,
But that’s okay.
It’s okay to not know what the future holds,
But be sure to follow your intuition because it will never lead me astray.
I have experienced much failure,
But also many, many successes.
There will be ups and downs & inconsistencies,
But my growth as a man and a humanitarian will always remain constant.
Each day is an opportunity to gain wisdom and perspective.
Do good for myself, but BE good to others.
And ignore the temptation to become cold and malevolent.
For kindness and empathy are the greatest traits I can ever possess.
Although I’m lost, I know I’ll find my way,
For my loving God will never forsake me.
Be patient and practice forgiveness and self-compassion.
I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.
And though I’m lost, my goal is to live a life that will make my God proud of me.